AquaVerti Farms is a Vertical Hydroponic Farm, practicing Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA). This means that we grow our crops in water, not in soil. We stack our waterbeds vertically, one on top of the other, to make efficient use of our cubic space, not just our square footage.
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In just 40 years, the world lost 30% of its arable land due to unsustainable agricultural practices. Vertical Farms use their cubic space. We keep our footprint small by stacking "our land".
Traditional agriculture uses 70% of the world's fresh water. Vertical farming uses 94% less water than traditional farming. Our water contains the perfect nutrient formula for each crop. We recycle the heat produced by our lights to bring our water temperature to the perfect level.
Our HVAC is designed to give us the perfect mix of Temperature, Humidity and Air Flow.
Our plants are grown on floats which maximise our yield per square meter. We produce no greenhouse gases.